Importance of Supplements to Reduce the Risk of Covid 19

Importance of Supplements to Reduce the Risk of Covid 19

Several new researchers have confirmed the importance of dietary vitamins to strengthen the immune system. These dietary vitamins are vitamin D and C. The best part is that they are safe to consume and they are available at supplement store. If you have a good immune system, then it is obvious that you will be able to fight with Covid 19 and other respiratory tract infections. These researchers were conducted in the University of Southampton in United Kingdom. The University of Otago and University medical Centre in Nederland have also published the importance of nutrients in their journals.

Boosting the immune system

Omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, vitamin D and vitamin C are recommended for a healthy immune system. The above journals further stated that washing of hands and vaccination is important, but you cannot take the importance of nutrition for granted. This is the reason they have published a set of nutritional recommendations.

The effect of vitamin C and D are well known. Vitamin C will regulate the growth and functions of immune cells. It also plays a significant role in the production of antibodies. The receptors of vitamin D are also responsible for the proper functioning of immune cells.

Zinc is necessary for immune cell development and researchers have proved its importance. It will reduce the risk of getting respiratory infections and the days of respiratory tract infection.

The study further revealed that most of the people are not aware and this is the reason they are not consuming these nutrients in the right proportion. If you will not consume all the nutrients as per the requirements, then it will destroy your body resistance. Low immunity power will result in the increase of diseases.

Informing the public

Most of the researchers emphasize on conforming the public so that they can take daily dose of multivitamins as per their age. In the present situation, vaccine for Covid 19 is not available. Some of them are out for trial and they can be effective. 

A healthy immune system will safeguard you from different infections, but it is imperative to maintain physical distance and proper hygiene. Nowadays, in nearly every country a large number of people are dying due to respiratory diseases. This is a clear sign that they are not getting proper information and governments are not doing enough to educate people about the intake of micronutrients from supplement store and vitamin C to fight Covid 19.


Donald Phillips