The Real Cost Of Neglecting Your Taxes: Consequences & More
As a business owner or an individual making a stable income, you are liable to pay taxes annually to the government. At times, you may forget about taxation deadlines and; thus, fail to pay your taxes. This may result in major consequences. Therefore, you need a small business accountant in Savannah, GA who can complete the taxation process hassle-free. This article highlights the common consequences of neglecting taxes. Here we go!
Consequences Of Neglecting Your Taxes
1. Penalties and Interest Charges
Penalties imposed by tax authorities are a result of late tax payments. These penalties, which build up interest over time, could be for underpayment, late payment, or failure to file. The total amount owed increases with the length of time taxes are delinquent since penalties and interest accrue.
2. Seizure of Assets
Tax authorities may take harsh collection measures, like asset seizure, to pay off tax arrears. Bank accounts, real estate, cars, and other valuable items are examples of assets that can be seized. Seizable assets may have disastrous financial repercussions that ruin lives and damage personal or company finances.
3. Legal Action and Tax Liens
Tax authorities have complete rights to take legal actions if taxes are not cleared timely. Legal claims made on the property of the taxpayer to recover outstanding tax arrears are known as tax liens. They may make it more difficult for them to sell or transfer their property until their debts are paid. Tax authorities may also use court procedures and other legal means to enforce tax collection or compel compliance.
4. Loss of Business License or Certifications
Certain business owners may experience consequences like loss of business certifications. This means they cannot operate their business any further. Loss of business certification impacts the credibility and reputation of your business, resulting in losses.
5. Criminal Charges and Imprisonment
Extreme instances of fraud or tax evasion may result in criminal accusations against people or business owners, as well as possible jail time. Intentional non-reporting of income, forging tax returns, or participating in dishonest tax schemes may result in criminal investigations and legal action by law enforcement. Tax-related criminal convictions can carry heavy fines, restitution orders, and jail terms, which can damage one’s reputation both personally and professionally and have long-term financial and legal ramifications.
Wrapping Up!
Paying taxes timely is important; otherwise, it may lead to several consequences. Make sure you hire a professional CPA or an accountant who can handle the taxation process easily.