Things to Know About Podiatrist Near Me in Torrance, CA

Things to Know About Podiatrist Near Me in Torrance, CA

You should remember that a stress fracture is a severe bruising or small crack within a bone. Most of them happen due to repetitive activities and overuse. They are common in athletes and runners who participate in high-intensity sports.

The moment you decide to change activities, you can experience this problem. We are talking about trying new exercises, increasing the intensity, or changing the surface. For instance, jogging outdoors and on a treadmill are completely different approaches. You should click here to learn more about stress fractures.

At the same time, if specific conditions such as osteoporosis have weakened the bones, a stress fracture can happen during regular activities. Remember that weight-bearing bones of the lower leg and foot are highly vulnerable to stress fractures due to repetition while jumping, running, and walking.

While recovering from a fracture of your ankle or foot, you should avoid high-impact activities. If you return to activity without proper recovery, you will delay the process and increase the chances of additional problems. For instance, a complete fracture will prolong the recovery and unable you to return to activities.

Where Do Fractures Happen?

You should know that stress fractures can happen in either the third or second metatarsals, which are longer and thinner than the first one. That way, you will experience a significant impact on your foot as you decide to run and walk. Stress fractures can also happen in the heel, leg bones, and bones of mid-foot, where you can find numerous tendons.

Generally, repetitive forces can lead to microscopic damage to specific bones, meaning you will not get enough time to heal until the next workout plan. Bones are in a regular state of turnover, which is the process experts call remodeling.

Therefore, the new bone will develop and replace the old one. If you have a too great athlete’s activity, the breakdown of the old bone will happen faster, meaning it will outpace your ability to replace or repair it. Therefore, the bone will become vulnerable and weakened, meaning it will be more prone to stress fractures.

When you increase the intensity of your workout, meaning you add one more day to an exercise schedule, you will increase the intensity that may potentially lead to problems in the future.

If you are not an athlete, an increase in activity is another problem that will affect your stability and may lead to a stress fracture. If you infrequently walk, when you implement excessive regiment on uneven surfaces, you will experience stress fractures.

New shoes can reduce your foot’s chance to absorb repetitive force, which will end up in stress fracture in the long run. Check out this link: to understand the symptoms of stress fracture, which will help you determine the best course of action.

Increased Risks to Remember

1.   Bone Insufficiency

You may have conditions that will decrease your bone density and strength, such as osteoporosis. At the same time, specific long-term meds can make you more prone to this problem.

The issue can happen during everyday activities, meaning stress fractures are more common during the winter months when you have lower levels of vitamin D due to lack of Sun rays.

A few studies have shown that female athletes are more likely to experience this problem than males. This happens due to lower bone density which can happen in case you experience a female athlete triad.

Therefore, when a young woman or a girl goes to extremes in working out and dieting, three conditions can develop as a result, including premature osteoporosis, menstrual dysfunction, and an eating disorder. It means the bone mass will decrease, which will lead to higher chances.

2.   Lousy Conditioning

Overusing your capabilities is the worst thing you can do. When it comes to beginners and people who are not in shape, doing too much too soon can lead to severe issues in the short term. It is common among people who are just beginning a workout plan.

Of course, it can also happen to experienced athletes. For instance, if you reduce the running intensity during winter hours, as soon as spring comes, you may get anxious to return to shape as beforehand. However, you should start slowly and gradually reach the past mileage and intensity.

You must be patient and avoid intense exercises right off the bat. Instead, you should allow your body to heal and recover after a single workout, which will reduce stress fractures.

3.   Lousy Technique

The slight change that will affect the mechanics of your impact while walking or running will increase the chance of an issue. Therefore, if you suffer from tendonitis, bunion, or blisters, that may affect the way you put weight on your foot while running or walking. It means your other leg will experience additional weight and pressure.

That is why you should check out more about South Bay Foot and Ankle Doctor, which will help you determine the best course of action.

At the same time, a change in playing or training surface may increase the stress and cause fractures to happen. Therefore, when you decide to make a transition from a treadmill to outdoor running, you should start gradually as well to get used to terrain and surface.

Finally, you should always think about the workout equipment, which will prevent potential issues from happening. Wearing flimsy or worn sneakers may reduce the shock-absorbing abilities and lead to severe problems. A long-term brisk walk can cause blisters, while blisters will affect the way you function.

That is why you should always have proper equipment that will provide you additional comfort and prevent potential issues.

Donald Phillips