Why You Should Microchip Your Dog

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Losing your dog is an unfortunate risk when take your dog on walks frequently. While collars and ID tags may help ensure your reunion in case this happens, it’s not foolproof. The collar may break, the tag may fall off, or the information on it may rub off over time and leave your dog unidentifiable in an animal shelter somewhere. 

Luckily, though, there is a new way to protect your dog from getting permanently lost.Implanting a microchip dog. Below are a few reasons you should consider it for you pet. 

It’s an easy, painless procedure

The electronic chip is usually implanted between the dog’s shoulder blades with a needle, very much like a standard vaccination. Your dog won’t even feel it once it’s in. 

It’s physically undetectable

The electronic chip is no bigger than a grain of rice, so the only way you can detect it is by scanning it. Even your dog won’t be able to tell there’s anything under his skin. 

It’s affordable and can even be free

Implanting a microchip costs about $40-50 per pet, and it can even be free since it’s now mandated by law in some places in the UK. 

It’s permanent

Microchips are designed to last for 25 years, longer than a dog’s average lifespan, so implanting it is a one-time procedure. 

It can’t be removed on accident

While a collar and a tag can accidentally come off your dog, a microchip will always stay where it’s injected, making it more efficient in getting him back to you if he gets lost. 

You contact information isn’t going anywhere

The contact information you put in the microchip will never rub off and will always serve its purpose, as long as you keep it up to date. However, if your dog’s serial number is properly registered, the database will have your phone number forever. 

Registration is easy

You can fill out the paperwork and send it to the registry, or complete registration online. You will receive instructions on how to go about it once the chip is implanted. 

It’s very easy and convenient to use

The microchip is scanned by the shelter and transmits the information on it via a radio signal. This helps them reach the dog’s owner in no time. 

Most scanners will work

Most animal shelters and veterinary clinics that may find your dog will have a universal scanner, so the chances of getting reunited with him are very high, no matter what your microchip provider or registry is. 

Shelters and veterinarians encourage it

Any shelter worker and veterinarian you talk to will recommend that you get your dog microchipped. Having a chip significantly increases the chances of getting reunited with your dog if he gets lost, and there is little to no downside to it. 

It’s an additional form of identification

While it’s a lot more efficient than the traditional collar and ID tag, don’t forget that there is no 100% guarantee with anything. Treat the microchip as an additional form of identification for your dog, and make sure that he wears his collar and tag at all times.

Getting a microchip dog just takes minutes. It has a unique number that can be read by a scanner and can benefit your dog in a number of ways.


James Miller